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Oh dear, my outfitting experiments didn’t really go to plan and I am still suffering from huge pins and needles/dead leg issues!

Paddling the Upper Wye the other day had me in rather a lot of pain. As the trip progressed I ended up gradually taking out bits of the outfitting in an attempt to stem the dead leg issues.

After having relieved the boat of the hip pads, followed by the under thigh braces I had made, I was left with three results.

1) My dead leg issue disappeared.
2) I had virtually no connection with the boat, so negotiating rapids was no fun at all.
3) My dead leg issue was replaced by a extremely large dull ache in both of my legs as the front of the seat moulding that usually has the hip pads attached dug into the sides of my thighs!

So much was the pain that I couldn’t fully concentrate on paddling. It seems that Dagger seats just do not suit me, and I am left in a situation where current finances won’t allow me to replace the boat. I don’t think I’d get much for this Juice in the current state of the used kayak market. Even if I did sell it I have no idea what I would replace it with.

One of the reasons I got the Juice was because it was a good river runner with a bit of slice to it. It could do some play moves too if I so cared to learn, which would help my roll no end.

So what could I consider instead? I have thought about a Fluid Spice, but that is most definitely a pure river runner. A nice one, but I am not sure how it would compare to the Juice in terms of surf and play potential. Anyone give me any info/advice?

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